pandora's box

A simple blog that pens down my thoughts and happenings, without fanciful photos or sophisticated wordings.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I remembered blogging about how I should take a breather from work a few months ago..

But it seemed that I've failed to do so..

Right now, Im still busy working everyday, going for meetings and trainings and functions...

Ive not taken a break for quite awhile already!!!

And if I ever take a day off, it is to spring clean, to do housework etc..

Feng and I are leaving for Shanghai on Sunday, but we still havent started packing..

We merely bought some winter wear, and thermal clothings..

but ive packed in some gloves & scarves alreadi.. =)

Right now, I feel sooo lethargic and tired...

Plus, Ive hurt my tailbone as well!!!

I feel like sleeping perpetually... and even needs to drive for a distance equivalent to a short 10 mins walk...

So I didnt start 2009 feeling refreshed.. more like starting the year feeling tired and lethargic...

My yearly routine of squeezing with people in Chinatown during CNY has also been cancelled this year due to my lack of sleep...

Life hasnt been that fair to me.. I need more time to myself!! To slack in bed a while longer every morning.. to bring a good book to sleep... to bake a few muffins or so... to spend more time with Feng...

I don't even have the time to express how grateful I am to him yesterday night!!

I went home to realise that he has done the sweeping and mopping of the floor for me..

And helped me with the laundry already..

He wanted to give me a surprise so that I culd have the time to go to chinatown for my yearly routine of shopping for new year goodies...

To think that I would rather sleep at home than go shopping...

But Its a good thing I managed to spend some quality time with him at home..

I feel sooooooo loved!!!!!

Not forgetting my friends too!!!!

I was on 2 days MC last week, and both mornings, I got woken up by a few friends, just calling wanting to chit chat with me..... I would gladly obliged, as long as its not any of my bosses that called... But my dear friends would rather I go back to sleep.... all hanging up hastily knowing that Im on MC... with comforting words like,'go go go back to sleep!!'

Something I havent heard for ages....

Maybe amidst these tiring months, I should remind myself of the love and care that has always been there in my life...