pandora's box

A simple blog that pens down my thoughts and happenings, without fanciful photos or sophisticated wordings.

Friday, November 07, 2008

I realised I havent been blogging...

My blog has somehow turned into a manicure diary,

where i just upload pics of my latest monthly manicure..

Work has been soooo busy.....

and kind of affecting me too much....

I felt myself getting tired seeing the attitude of some mini-bonds investors,
(some shout, some argued, some threatened, some cried,some unreasonable,some defensive)

the bad sentiments of customers in the finance industry,
(My manager tells us the top selling book in Italy is one called 'Go to hell,banks!')

how the media portrays bankers and relationship managers in such bad lights....
(Headlines like 'Don't give your money to banks!' isn't objective in my opinion.)

Well i think i really shouldnt be too concerned about all these..

Work should not be the center of my life. My life should be the center of my life.

I should be focusing on my family, friends, things i loved doing...

Some people are workoholics. I always know Im not. But now I am. But I know I can't.

I really should take a step back and be my cheerful and carefree self again.

I dun wana fall into the sticky trap of living to work.

So i will be planning my holidays, my trips, other more important things.....etc....etc....

Everything except work. i've been commiting too much.

I've got to learn to let go.