pandora's box

A simple blog that pens down my thoughts and happenings, without fanciful photos or sophisticated wordings.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Amidst the glaring sun, polluted environment and our hectic lifestyles, don't ever neglect your well beings! That is, always find time to pamper yourself, even for a day!

How about this? Choose a day, preferably on a weekend, to be your indulgence day! Put all the stress and problems behind, and try to sleep in, catching up on your beauty sleep..When you decide that you have sufficient rest already, light up some scented candles around while listening to soft, soothing music..

After a light breakfast / lunch, comb in a leave-in treatment mask on your hair, as well as a yummy smelling hydrating facial mask...relaxed while the goodness of those mask nourish your hair and skin.. In the meantime, pick up that novel/magazine that you have always wanted to finish, but, couldnt find the time to...

After that, go have a nice long bath, using a sponge with a luxurious bathing cream/gel... I recommend products from Marks & Spencers as well as The Body Shop. Don't forget the scrub, or, body polisher! Use it on places that you might neglect, such as the knees or elbows..It'll make your skin so silky like tofu! Some people termed this as "Bei Bei Goot Goot" in hokkien, which means procelain smooth skin..

Slap on some rich body butter all over, together with a leave in conditioner for that extra sheen on your hair! Make yourself a nice cup of flora tea, and settle down for a d.i.y. manicure cum pedicure session..

Then, fish that sexy dress out of your wardrobe and go on styling your hair lightly and applying that lippie that make your lips look ultra kissable! A few spritz of your perfume, and you're ready to go!

Ask a friend for a ride, or dial for the mercedez or skoda cab, and head down to chill out at some lounges, or have a romantic dinner with your significant half..

Perfectly relaxed, perfectly happy and perfectly groomed, it's darn hard for people not to feel attracted to you.. You might not be as pretty as some supermodels or celebrities, but the fact that you care and love yourself exudes an irresistable aura that is far more sexy than anyone of them...

You might not have time to do this on a frequent basis, but, do try to find time for yourselves once in awhile, its definitely a great way to unwind!


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