pandora's box

A simple blog that pens down my thoughts and happenings, without fanciful photos or sophisticated wordings.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Look around you while shopping for that nice pair of shoes, while eating at nearby hawker centers, or while rushing to pick up your little sister from kindergarden......, and, count the number of retarted idiots who walked around you with their collars up.

Idiots. I shall classify them into the following groups:

1) People who are so easily influenced, they just have to follow what the other idiots are
doing. Even when they don't make any sense. Followers.

2) People who are so blind they think they look damn good with their collars up.

3) People who are so stupid they think collars are meant to be up.

4) People who want to act cool, but end up looking dumb.

5) People who want to imagine that they are actually vampires, or, the god/goddess of

6) People who are very afraid of the cold, especially the neck area.

7) People who just want to appear as retards to entertain others.

8) People who just have bad dress sense.

Idiots, collars are meant to be folded, you see...It doesnt make you look more suave. So, wake up your idea!!! Doing this doesnt make you look like Beckham. It just make you look like a dumb child who has no one to teach you how to wear your shirt properly. Shame on you.


  • At 10:17 AM, Blogger Cheshire said…

    haha, wat's wrong with letting e collar up? beckham dosen't do tt, it's eric cantona(a famous french footballer).

    why e sudden hatred?

  • At 3:00 PM, Blogger paddie said…

    cool off... its just a polo shirt..

  • At 1:02 AM, Blogger holder of the pink pandora box said…

    Firstly, what's wrong with not letting a collar up? Next, friends have been telling me that Beckham is the one, and now your version is that E.C is the one. The bottom line is, it doesnt matter who is the 1 who started it.
    Lastly, my feeling towards this is not a sudden one, and, I don't hate these ppl, just find them veri irritating.


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