pandora's box

A simple blog that pens down my thoughts and happenings, without fanciful photos or sophisticated wordings.

Monday, March 20, 2006

I'm sometimes being referred to as the "small girl" by laogong..guess it must be due to all my imaginery friends, named after cakes and desserts..(e.g. strawberry-shortcake, custard pudding, frutti-tartlets etc). Then, it must be due to my little tricks on him almost everyday.. (I'll stick post-it notes on his specs if he were to wear them to sleep, so he'll wake up seeing those notes instead..) He always commented that my hair smells like bubblegum too..(which i insists its grape milk)..coz of these, he treats me like a small girl sometimes, which is why i call him "daddie" at times too..

Daddie gave mi nice colour pencils and a pretty colouring book. I'm supposed to show him my book everytime i finished a page..and i'll be so happy when he praises me..

Then there was this time when he went to a few book stores like borders, kino etc.. to get me the strawberry shortcake story he can read them to me. He also buys me a strawberry-shortcake soft eraser that smells like strawberry milk to me, (but my friends insist that it smells like strawberry, coz they can't smell the milk..silly silly..)

How great! Not only i get myself a laogong, best friend, advisor, teacher and companion, ive got myself a "fairy" that turned me into a young girl sweet..the magic of love..


  • At 7:28 PM, Blogger confused said…

    hey girl..

    am i the first to comment in your blog? hehs. hope you don't mind..

    but seriously, i do find your blog interesting.. i know you think your writing style is kiddy. i suppose it does have this sense of innocence to it [tho' i know its not really the case in real life. wahahaha!]

    i dunno. when i read it.. it feels.. light and fluffy? like a meringue? haha. i know you like food. i've heard of lemon meringues. i wonder if there are strawberry meringues? hehs

    reading your blog makes me happy somehow. haha. i do hope that you'd be able to keep this happy feel to it always? *beams*

    anyway. sighs. you are a lucky lucky girl. to have found someone like xf. [mb? heeheehee.. okay. you're really gonna kill me now]

    am i just hoping that one day, i'd be as lucky as you. and i'd be able to find a "fairy" of my own


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