pandora's box

A simple blog that pens down my thoughts and happenings, without fanciful photos or sophisticated wordings.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Over dinner today, Feng and I were fooling around and singing the song 'Wonderful Tonight' from Eric Clapton...

We changed the lyrics of the song, and had a fun time laughing..

Then he told me of another song of Eric Clapton. Rather, the story behind it.

Tears in heaven.

Feng told me Clapton wrote the song in memory of his dead son.

I didn't know about it.

I searched the net, and within seconds, I came across an article, and knew what he said was true.

My heart sank. The song is really in memory of his son, Conor Clapton, who fell to his death from his 53rd storey NYC apartment. I couldn't stop crying while reading the article.

Some reports state that his young son had a habit of running to the window to greet his father upon his arrival home everyday, and 1 day the window happen to be open, and he fell to his death.

The death of his son left a deep impact on Eric Clapton. For 9 months, the grieving father try to come to terms with the loss of his son, rather on performing.

Another song Eric Clapton wrote about his son is "The circus left town", which recalls the last time Clapton saw his son alive, as they attended a circus together the night before his son's death.

What seemed like a happy event today, might be the very thing that'll break your heart in future, when things have changed, when that person's no longer around. I knew exactly this feeling. When, at times, I think of my grandparents in heaven, its always those happy moments that makes me hurt so much...

However, these things are inevitable. It's just part and parcel of life.
We just have to come to terms with it, no matter how hard it is.

For now, I'll get a different feeling when I listen to the song again.

I bet Feng's regretted telling me the story behind the song.


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